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Lose weight or obese your health is important to us

If one is suffering from obesity is not the only one who has this problem. But weight control helps one to control cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and they may also help prevent weight related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some types of cancers.
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If one is suffering from obesity is not the only one who has this problem. But weight control helps one to control cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and they may also help prevent weight related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some types of cancers.
The eating plus exercise and not enough physical activity leads to weight gain. In order to maintain proper weight should be eating food that contains the amount of energy equal to the amount of energy consumed by the body. As for weight loss must be that the amount of energy entering the body through the food less than the amount of energy consumed, and this is achieved through increased consumption of energy in the body through physical activity.
May include a strategy to maintain the weight of the following: • Choose foods low fat and calories • Eat smaller meals than usual • Drink water instead of sugary drinks • physical activity

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